F.A.I.T.H. Animal Rescue

Help us stay afloat by donating £2 to #rescuemyrescue – We really need your help x

As you know its a difficult time for us here at Faith trying to keep our heads above water to look after the animals in our care. Thankfully there is help out there and Peter Purves has teamed up with Lintbells to help out struggling animal charities up and down the UK. Faith are signed up to this and if you can find it in your hearts to donate £2 to the Rescue your Rescue campaign it will really help us get a much needed cash injection as outlined below. Please click on the link and donate £2 if you can and remember to upload a photo of you and your dog with the hashtag #rescuemyrescue. and #faithanimalrescue Thank you! x

Lintbells and Peter Purves have launched #RescueYourRescue – a nationwide emergency fund-raising appeal that will urgently help pet rescue charities affected by COVID-19

#RescueYourRescue will attempt to raise £250,000 for pet rescue charities across the UK over the coming months

Lintbells will donate £10,000 to participating charities

Take immediate action by donating £2 and show your support by sharing the paw-fect high-five with your pet on social media using the #RescueYourRescue and nominate friends to donate too.

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